Sky Rider
*Manical Laughter*
Posts: 174
Post by Missa on Mar 19, 2009 6:59:59 GMT -5
{Lame title, hey? XD I couldn't think of anything}
"Chewy! Get back here!" She'd never run after Valiant or Mermiayeth as much as she did the little grey kagen. Honestly, she swore that creature had more energy than she could ever remember having. Scooping him up into her arms, Beka smiled warmly at him as she bent to touch her nose to hise furry one, rewarded with the kagen nibbling at her nose affectionately. He was so cute, like Valiant as a hatchling, who was currently balanced lightly on her shoulder. Or like Mermaiyeth, who was quite content where she was, watching her bonded with amusement.
I was much cuter. Came the barred's playfully insulted come back, the dragon tilting her head as if in scorn of the young kagen. Beka knew that Mermaiyeth loved him though, or she never would have been able to bring him everywhere like she did. Moving back to Mermaiyeth's side again, Beka was happy to settle back against her, smiling at the soft feel of her bonded's hide beneath her cheek. If anyone had asked Beka who she thought had grown up best, she would definitely say Mermaiyeth. In her opinion, she'd grown from being a gawky little dragonet, to being a graceful and stunning barred.
You're so lovely, my ego needs no fluffing from males with you around. Playfully dropping her head to nibble at the ends of her riders hair, the barred snorted in amusement when Beka merely laughed and batted her away. Valiant chirped, crawling to sit beside her while Chewy settled against her, chewing happily on the piece of grass she'd given him. "The water looks nice Mermaiyeth, why don't you go in?"
Moments after she'd made the suggestion she found herself drenched from a wave of water, and a dragon that was all but cackling with laughter - if dragons could cackle, she would be - and one very annoyed kagen. Squeaking in protest, Chewy shook himself off as Beka attempted to do that same. "That was not what I meant!" There is no one else here to play with me, so why not?
Post by Jenth on Mar 19, 2009 7:45:04 GMT -5
I'm here Kayth said as he landed in the water with an even bigger splash. Luckily it was on the other side of the lake, the resulting wave bearly a lap at the water's edge. The bronze however was quite smug about his childish antic as he swam closer to the Mermaiyeth. she might be large for a barred, but Kayth was large for a bronze and nearly dwarfed the female dragon. I'll play with you
Go talk to Mermaiyeth's, we are going to play! D'mas could have scoulded his bronze for acting like a firelizard, and maybe not even bronze one at that. At least it was better then his weyrling days, and that's all the bronzerider could have hoped for. Still, if kayth was going to play he could be left by the lake for a while. it might be nice to see an old face from and ask her how she was taking being a fully fledged rider.
"Beka! Long time no see!"
Sky Rider
*Manical Laughter*
Posts: 174
Post by Missa on Mar 19, 2009 8:14:57 GMT -5
In a most uncharacteristic action, Mermaiyeth squealed in shock at the splash, attempting to move out of the way adn failing as she shook her head at the large bronze. She was glad someone had shown up though, and she liked Kayth, he was a nice bronze, like Jerglith was a nice blue, though she knew the blue far better. Or lately, she did. Glancing up at the bronze, Mermaiyeth couldn't remember a time when Kayth didn't tower over her, though it was nice not to be the big one now. Oh really? Okay! I'd like that! Not normally the most excitable creature, Mermaiyeth's enthusiasum for a playmate was pbvious as she splashed Kayth happily.
"You've turned into Chewy, Mermaiyeth." Teasing the barred as she attempted to wipe Chewy's fur with her equally wet shirt, Beka looked up with a bright smile as D'mas spoke to her. She knew D'mas better than some of the once weyrligns, but she still knew Aleyi better. That didn't stop her greeting him with a bright smile as she allowed Chewy to squirm out of her hands. "Hullo, D'mas! Yeah, you're right, I guess we've both been busy with our monsters. Kayth's grown into a fine bronze." And yours has become a fine rider, Kayth. Though I do agree, you have grown to be rather handsome. "Mermaiyeth!" Protesting the barred's comment as subtly as she could, Beka shifted slightly, not sure what to say.
"So... Do you like your new weyr?"
Post by Jenth on Mar 19, 2009 8:36:04 GMT -5
"It's nice to have a permenent room of my own, and a lot more room then what we had at that." Thought D'mas nearly found it lonely, as he know had to get to know his new neighbours. A weyr was a weyr though, he only needed to be there when sleeping, fixing his riding gear or some other reason.
Kayth twisted around to look at himself almost as if he had to confirm her words. His hide had bronzed nicely with age, a lighter shade then most though with a nice orange under tone. He was big too, another good sign! But you are just as beautiful as ever, I am of no comaprison Raching out he nuzzled her purple markings, having always liked this in barreds.
D'mas however seemed to have been left out of the exchange, Kayth too occupied in his playmate. "So you got your hands on kagan! But he looks just as drenched as you," Taking off his shirt he offered it to her, wanting to be a gentleman. The weather might be wamring up but being wet through was still a pretty awful feeling, and if not for her then for the baby gravel.
Sky Rider
*Manical Laughter*
Posts: 174
Post by Missa on Mar 21, 2009 1:04:55 GMT -5
"That's true, way more room but so empty. At least the barracks were crowded enough that you never felt completely alone." Most nights, it wasn't an issue any more, she'd just drag her furs over to snuggle up against Mermaiyeth, the stone was generally cooler and less comfortable, but it was closer to Mermaiyeth than her bed. Besides, it wasn't like she was lacking in anything to do -- how Chewy managed to get into the most stupid sharding places, she didn't know. Valiant had probably taught him a thing or two.
Mermaiyeth seemed startled by the compliment, but like any female, soaked it up. Crooning sweetly as he touched the purple markings, the barred shook her wings slightly, an action that could have been perfectly innocent if it wasn't just an excuse to show off hte pretty markings there too. You are a very sweet bronze, I think you out match any bronze.
Beka would have loved to have been cut off from the barreds comments, she would have loved for her to be wrapped up in Kayth too... Or maybe she wouldn't... She wasn't quite sure. Glancing down at the shivering kagen in her hands, Beka nodded slightly, smiling brightly. "His name's Chewy. Inolyn let me take him.." Blinking in surprise as he offered his shirt, Beka smiled again, "Thank you." She was fine being wet, but she didn't like Chewy suffering, and she hoped D'mas didn't mind having a kagan wrapped in his shirt because rather than warm herself up, Beka tucked Chewy into the warmth. "There, is that better?" Laughing softly as she cooed to the gravel, she laughed again when he squeaked.
"You don't have any flitters or pets do you, D'mas? Don't you like them?"
Post by Jenth on Mar 21, 2009 2:49:59 GMT -5
Kayth rumbled in amusement, barreds were much more interesting then greens. And you are sweet as well, lovely Mermaiyeth Arching his neck his swept his wings in a few strong strokes, showing off his size and strength. He was a bronze, a lot of pride came with his color and flrting or not, many weren't shy to prove what they were made of.
D'mas didn't mind that Beka sacrificed her own comfort over her kagan. Beka would dry soon enough but Chewy was clearly a baby and not all that old. "But I do have pets, I thought you would have seen them around."
Looking around his firelizards seemed no where in sight. It took a few moments of searching thoughts before two firelizards appeared in the air above their heads. The brown swooped down to attempt landing on the man's shoulder, his usual place but found himself brushed away as soon as his talons reached out to take hold. Chattering angrily he was silenced by the tiny barred's screach that landed into D'mas' open hands.
"These are Eron, brown, and barred Memory." D'mas introduced. Eron circled a few times before he relised there was no place for him to land and went off to join Kayth. Memory chirped questioningly before jumping off after the brown.
Sky Rider
*Manical Laughter*
Posts: 174
Post by Missa on Mar 21, 2009 23:10:35 GMT -5
Why thankyou Kayth. Mermaiyeth all but purred at him, so much for needing no ego fluffing. Well, flirting was certainly fun, especially with such a handsome bronze. Splashing him lightly as he showed off his wings, Mermaiyeth crooned softly, almost an encouragement to splas, she liked dlirting but playing was just as fun.
Gently drying Chewy as best she could, Beka smiled as teh kagan snuggled against her hands, obviously very comfortable as he squeaked at her. "I might have, just not known they were yours." It wasn't like dragons, where one knew the rider on sight. Pets were much harder, if Valiant flew away from her, none would know the blue was hers without knowing her well.
Valiant chirped a greeting to both flitts, obviously pleased to make friends as he fluttered up to get a closer look at Memory, she was pretty, wasn't she? A much less interested greeting was given to the brown though and Beka rolled her eyes as Valiant croned happily at the small barred. The moment she left to play, the blue followed, "Nice. Abandoning me for a female." Muttering after teh blue, Beka returned her attention to D'mas. "They seem well behaved."
Post by Jenth on Mar 22, 2009 0:28:49 GMT -5
"I think Kayth might have had a part to play with that, little flitts can't argue with a big, bad bronze. Not to mention I taught them not to bite the hand that feeds then." But despite the bronzerider's words there were some faint, thin scars on his arms and shoulders. 'Lizard talons, accidental though from ripping through clothes and landing on naked flesh.
"But remember he is only male. The first pretty little thing that bats her eyes at him can turn his brain to mush." It certainly wasn't fare that Memory was as pretty and dainty as they came. He watched the flits fly off to join the dragons, knowing it could end badly. Dragon sized splashes could knock even his fully grown brown out of the air, let alone what it would do to poor Memory.
Kayth splashed at Mermaiyeth, legs kicking at the water. He would play her game, this was fun! Though when the tiny flits started fluttering about he stopped. I don't want to hurt them, the barred is almost as pretty as you But in standing still it only invited Eron and Memory to land on him.
Sky Rider
*Manical Laughter*
Posts: 174
Post by Missa on Mar 24, 2009 6:42:56 GMT -5
Well no, she didn't doubt that, Kayth was a large bronze and she was sure that if it came down to it, even Mermaiyeth would give into an order from him. Though knowing her barred, she'd give a hell of a fight first, maybe. She seemed to like Kayth, and if it was requested rather than demanded, she tended to do as asked. "That's a good idea." As far as she could remember, Valiant had never been badly behaved, Mermaiyeth was quick to pounce on that.
Catching sight of the small scars, Beka couldn't help but lean forward very slightly, blinking. Flitters? Maybe, she wasn't shocked by scars, they were a part of life, she had her own selection of them. Long thing ones against her back, the one on her arm...They numbered many. She hadn't expected anyone else to really have them though... "Oh... Sorry, I shouldn't stare."
Rollnig her eyes, she glanced after Valiant again. She supposed it was fair, Memory was pretty and Valiant didn't get much chance to be around female flitters, dragons, yes... Grinning at D'msa, Beka tilted her head as though thinking seriously, "Does that count for you then D'mas? A pretty girl turn your brains to mush?" Only teasing, Beka still wasn't sure how it would be recieved as she smiled down at Chewy, gently rubbing the shirt against his back to try and warm him a little more.
Mermaiyeth had let out a sound that was almost a giggle as he'd splashed, only to still as he did, whirling eyes focusing on the small flitts even as Valiant all but ignored her in favour of hanging about the other barred. You are a shameless flatterer, Kayth. But I thankyou for the compliment.
Post by Jenth on Mar 24, 2009 7:19:41 GMT -5
"Don't worry about it, stare away. I've nothing to hide." D'mas hadn't even noticed. Being a rider seemed to have given him so much extra confidence that he hasn't the slightest bit embarrased that he was half naked in the public eye. Besides, some of the males rider's did it sometimes but it was just common curtisy to dress approprietely. The bronzerider had been a gentleman and scrificed his shirt to a woman to dry her baby kagan, it wasn't like he was trying to show off.
But when she picked at his words all he could do was laugh and playfully step back. "Hey, don't be mean now! I trusted you not to play with our weakness!" He like Beka well enough, she was cute and Kayth had spent much of his baby years destracted by so much as a twitch of Mermaieyth's or Holleth's tail. The coppery bronze was almost had some sort of... fetish for the strange new greens.
Shameless? It is truth! Kayth was forced to defend himself against her words. Why didn't she believe him? Had she seen Memory closely? The flitter was beautiful, perfect even! But much too small, Mermaiyeth on the other hand was dragon sized and a lot of fun!
Sky Rider
*Manical Laughter*
Posts: 174
Post by Missa on Mar 24, 2009 7:35:16 GMT -5
Mild surprise crossed Beka's face as he mentioned having nothing to hide, confusion following before it settled into a tiny smile. Nothing to hide, he didn't mind her staring, she'd always thought scars were something to be hidden, they certainly weren't something Beka shared. Yet, D'mas was completely unworried by them, she wasn't sure if that was just confidence or he just wasn't worried about them. "It's not a very nice thing to stare."
Pleased that he seemed to take the joke as it was, Beka's smile relaxed easily into a playful grin, "But it's such a fun weakness to poke at? Who would have thought, big, strong bronzer brought down by the flutter of a few eyelashes and a pretty face." She couldn't say she minded, it was nice that the bronze rider had responded with laughter, he wasn't haughty like many of the higher ranked riders, and Mermaiyeth was quite charmed. Kayth had been one of the few she'd enjoyed prattling on to as a baby, probably because Kayth was one bronze that would listen.
Watching him for a moment as though to assess whether he was telling the truth or not, Mermaiyeth finally crooned, Like it is true you are a very handsome bronze, you are also intelligent and fun to talk to, and play with. It is nice to talk to someone who is not rather... Haughty. Mermaiyeth spoke softly, snorting as Valiant crooned sweetly to Memory, edging closer sneakily.
Post by Jenth on Mar 24, 2009 8:10:45 GMT -5
Kayth returned her croon, happy that she seemed to like him. He liked her, pertty and smart. However her snort alerted him to the firelizards on his back. Memory stuck close to Eron, barred trying to decide wether or not she liked the blue while the brown glared. Eron had a claim on the barred, but wasn't her mate. Though soon she would rise to mate, then he would show them all.
D'mas only laughed harder, falling to his knees as if he was weakening. "No more! Can't take anymore! No, stop..." and with that he lay on the ground, unmoving and playing dead. It was fun! Everyone expected him to be a leader; serious, standing by his morals and putting Queen, Weyrwoman and Weyr above all else (in that order of importance). It was good to laugh, to not worry about making a good example.
Kayth now looked over at the riders, his was acting strange. But it was strange in a good way, he was having fun. That's what mattered. It was good to see his rider paying more attention to the opposite sex for a change. Finally being a grown up male.
Sky Rider
*Manical Laughter*
Posts: 174
Post by Missa on Mar 25, 2009 8:34:55 GMT -5
Kayth was certianly interesting, as were the flitters. Unlike many dragons, Mermaiyeth adored the little things and she was sure if she had her way, Hers would have many, many more than just Valiant. She liked having someone else to talk to, even if Valiant didn't make all that much sense, he was cute. As was the little barred and brown. The way teh brown was uncomfortable with Valiant, though the blue settled far enough from the barred to be comfortable, and crooning to try and engage them both in some sort of conversation.
"See! Even I can so called poke at your weakness." Managing to get it out through the giggles, Beka quickly put Chewy down so he wouldn't get dropped in the midst of the laughter. Though the kagan didn't mind either way, immediately chewing on the shirt wrapped around him for warmth as his dark eyes watched the humans as Beka slowly, cautiously nudged D'mas. Strangely, she wasn't afraid, just like she wasn't afraid with Aleyi, she wasn't afraid now. This was the most fun Beka could remember having... Ever, just being able to relax, let the constant guard down a bit.
Mermaiyeth followed Kayth's gaze, though hers softened at the sight of her rider enjoying herself and giggling. Especially with Kayth's rider, cautious as she always was, it was good that Beka wasn't afraid, there was only amusement flowing down their bond. It is good to hear Mine laughing like that, they do look rather strange though don't they? I wonder what they're doing.
Post by Jenth on Mar 25, 2009 8:56:40 GMT -5
They are having fun, though being silly. Very silly Kayth was a little worried though that his was on the ground. The bronze however was reasured by D'mas that he was fine, just playing. Memory finally chirped at Valiant, taking slow steps forward and reaching out with her nose. Eron rumbled angrily, but did not move to stop the barred or chase Valiant away. The brown might be protective but he wasn't violent.
D'mas only half opened his eyes when he was nudged, closing them again after just a second. Suddenly his hand flew out and grabbed her ankle. "Gotcha!" In a flash he had managed to get up into a kneeling position before pulling her down with him. Imobilising her arms with his own her had her gripped with her back to him.
"Now that wasn't very nice." he whispered in his ear, his voice like a deep purr. Still he was playing, but since they were on the topic of extorting weaknesses he might as well find out hers.
Sky Rider
*Manical Laughter*
Posts: 174
Post by Missa on Mar 26, 2009 5:56:37 GMT -5
Oh, well, silly is okay. Silly is even good. Yes, silly was good, she liked the idea of Hers just being silly for the fun of it. She'd worried for Kayth's for a moment there, he'd been so still, but Hers didn't seem to be worried so Mermaiyeth was happy to wade into the deeper water and sink into the cool water. It was brilliant, she thought, how the water could be deep for even the larger dragons, bronzes, violets, golds. It didn't matter who, the lake was always deep enough. Valiant chirped happily at her, crawling forward to gently touch her nose with his in a friendly manner.
Beka's response as his hand shot out was to squeal, the sound caught on laughter though she'd most certainly been shocked. Quick movements startled her, something Mermaiyeth knew, and Beka she knew that because the barred looked up in concern though soon went back to dozing in the water as Beka laughed.
The moment his arms trapped her though, Beka felt her body go into panic mode even as she desprately tried to fight the fear that was already clawing at her before D'mas brought his face close to hers. Though she was aware he was still playing, Beka couldn't help but still completely, forcing only a weak smile this time as she tried to block off the panic from Mermaiyeth. What frightened her even more, was the fact that the purr in her ear didn't frighten her, only being trapped did.
Instantly, memories of being trapped came rushing back and Beka had to latch onto the confidence that Mermaiyeth had given her to stop her breathing inching towards hyperventilation. She didn't want to upset D'mas, he was so much fun to talk to and one of the only people she'd consider herself close to, but old, survival habits were hard to kill, as was the fear that set her heart to racing. Honestly, she just hoped he wasn't aware of the fear, it was all she could do not to pull away, and to control he slight trembles.
"I-I'm not a nice person?" It was said more as a question as she tilted her head around to try and see him, glancing down to try and hide the fear she was sure would show in her eyes. "So what, am... Am I like... A prisoner now then?" Managing to put a slight tease in her voice, Beka shook her head slightly as Mermaiyeth watched worriedly, she wasn't going to let this panic win.
Post by Jenth on Mar 26, 2009 17:32:12 GMT -5
It took only a few moments for the bronzerider to know something was wrong. If it wasn’t the tention in her body then it was deffinately her words. Beka was scared, more then he would think. But then again, he wad been playing maybe a bit too rough despite trying to be gentle. D’mas let loose his constraining grip on her arms but put his hands on her shoulders comfortingly. “No, you’re not a prisoner. But are you ok?
D’mas was afraid, afraid that he had done something wrong without knowing. The thing is he didn’t know why. Maybe it was because of being so close to a male? Restrained in such a fashion would more then likely be frightening for a lot of girls and women. Shards he had been such an idiot! He shouldn’t have let himself go overboard.
Kayth was watching too, everything had been fine a moment ago but now everything was different. Didn’t know why, didn’t know how but it was. It wasn’t good, the bronze didn’t like it. What’s wrong? Why is yours upset? He was only trying to have fun… He asked Mermaiyeth, rumbling uncomfortably.
Sky Rider
*Manical Laughter*
Posts: 174
Post by Missa on Mar 28, 2009 3:43:23 GMT -5
Obviously, she wasn't a very good actor. She needed to get past the fear, needed to be able to move on from it so why was it so sharding hard? It made her want to throw a tantrum, kick something, scream. Instead, she merely jumped when his hands rested on her shoulders, looking up in confusion at his question. He'd let go the minute he'd realised she was scared, did he not then deserve and explanation for her actions, "Sometimes." Sometimes she was okay, sometimes she could deal with everything and just manage to keep smiling, other times... Not so much.
Mermaiyeth crooned worriedly at her rider, turning her head to the bronze with an almost saddened expression, Mine is merely frightened. Sometimes things frighten her, she doesn't want to react that way, but most often, she does by accident. I know he was playing Kayth, I am not upset, merely worried for Mine. But yes, she is just afraid.
"It's not you, really, I'm so, so sorry D'mas. I-I keep trying, to stop myself reacting... And... And I don't know why I do. It's g-gone. It's over and I have Mermaiyeth a-and Valiant... And I was okay, I was really okay." Her voice caught on a laugh, and she hung her head slightly, hatching the survival instincts that demanded she be prepared for anything around anyone. "Yet, when you grabbed me, all I could think... was I was back there, he had me, and there wasn't going to be an escape. I just... didn't think clearly, I'm really, really sorry. Please don't hate me.. I didn't mean to upset either one of you.."
Post by Jenth on Mar 29, 2009 4:02:47 GMT -5
“’Sometimes’ is not the answer I’m looking for, Beka.” D’mas’ voice was stern, not willing to let this slide. She was hiding something, something dark that obviously frightened her beyond measure. It was not healthy, especially if it would occur every time some held or grabbed her.
He listened, to her stuttered explanation, if you could really call it one. One thing disturbed him though, who was this ‘he’ she had spoken of? “Beka, Now I want you to look me in the eyes for a moment.” D’mas held her gaze for a moment until he was sure she was calm enough. Gently and slowly he put his arms around and held her close to his chest. If she panicked and struggled there would be no grip on her.
“It’s ok, no one is going to hurt you and I don’t hate you.” his voice was soft, calm and hopefully comforting. D’mas just didn’t want her to be upset because of an accident he had caused. It wasn’t fair for a pretty girl to be so frightened.
How can she be afraid when we are here. No one would dare mess with your’s when me and Mine are near by? Kayth arched his neck and rumbled deeply and strongly. The vibrations sent ripples in the water, proving his strength.
Sky Rider
*Manical Laughter*
Posts: 174
Post by Missa on Mar 29, 2009 7:01:23 GMT -5
"Most of the time.. I'm fine. I guess I just keep hoping one day I'll wake up and it'll be like it never happened, like nothing ever happened." Honestly, Beka wasn't sure she wanted to carry it around any more, the burden, but she wasn't willing to share it either. If D'mas didn't hate her now, she was sure he would if she told him, she'd been a Shunned's child, everyone hated their kind..
Surprise met his order, and slowly, she dragged her gaze up to meet his, curious as to what he'd wanted. Only to stiffen in surprise as his arms went around her, it wasn't unpleasant though and slwoly, Beka forced herself, muscle by muscle to relax against him, barely even noticing when Chewy managed to drag the shirt over to sit next to them, still chewing on the sleeve of D'mas' shirt.
He didn't hate her? More than anything, that surprised her as much as the reassurance comforted her, "R-really?" There was a note of hope in her voice then, glancing up at D'mas almost shyly.
Mermaiyeth crooned, reaching out to nuzzle Kayth's cheek gratefully for his reasurance, if that was how it had been intended to be, I do not fully understand, Mine does not like to share them with me, but from what I can see from her dreams, someone hurt Mine once, and she still fears it... I do not know who, perhaps I should ask Mine...
Post by Jenth on Mar 30, 2009 5:24:13 GMT -5
“Really really,” The bronzerider gave her a charming smile, letting her go again. She wasn’t normal, as she still stuttered a little, but she was better. That’s what he had been aiming for at least. A little reassurance and consoling was all she needed, something D’mas hadn’t much practice in. But then again, she had sort of surprised him.
“I’ve known your for just over a Turn, Beka, and not once have you done something that would make anyone hate you.” It would have been not all that long before the Hatching that Beka and D’mas, then called Darmas, would have crossed paths at least once. If not then, the egg touching but he couldn’t really remember that time anymore. Once Kayth had broken from his shell and Impression had been made, it was like his life had started from that exact moment.
The barredrider however would need some reassuring. “Who are you, Beka? Or more, who do you think you are?”